NELA Lives Better with Less!

Have you ever seen a natural bakery?

Well, Prudence Boczarski displayed her natural bakery, and represented WTI at the Highland Park Farmers’ Market on Figueroa and Ave 58.  She also taught kids how to recycle old newspaper by feeding it to a bucket of worms, so that they could then make really good soil.

Prudence Boczarski has spent a  great part of her life advocating the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling, a message that has been sewn into a lot of her work…literally.

In the 1970s, Boczarski’s sewing business got her  featured in the Pasadena Star News. She would go door-to-door collecting clothing that needed fixing and she would repair it at low cost. Additionally, she would educate her clients on fabrics, explaining which were more airy and which were more appropriate all-weather conditions.

In the 1980s, after an earthquake forced her to be resourceful, she lived in a shed in Los Angeles for six months. She was without electricity, used lanterns, cooked on an outdoor stove and washed her clothes by hand, demonstrating the skills needed survive without those utilities. For all of this, she was featured in L.A. Weekly.

She worked in environmental services at the L.A. Unified School District, specializing in toxic chemical remediation of school grounds, up until her retirement in 2013.

On top of her work and experiences, Boczarski has been active with WTI for 40 years, a local nonprofit founded in 1971 that teaches urban dwellers how to live better with less. She is now the WTI president and oversees all of their educational efforts, as well as developed a lecture series on nutrition. The common message of all of WTI’s outreach is that everyone can be a part of the solution to society’s serious problems.

Ms. Boczarski can be reached at [email protected] or check the website at


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