2020 has been a tough year, so let’s safely come together and help those who need us most!
Once again, this year we are partnering with an amazing organization, Professional Child Development Associates (PCDA), to provide children with developmental problems and their families access to Telehealth services, as well as toys and other essential items.
The PCDA is a non-profit in Pasadena that offers a range of multidisciplinary screenings, evaluations, therapy, and specialized services, for kids from birth to 21 years of age, when there are concerns in development, behavior, or social relationships.
This year, our traditional toy drive will be a little different, but It’s simple and you don’t even have to leave the safety of your home! The prefered method of donation would be visiting PCDA’s online wishlist at www.bit.ly/PCDAtoys and purchasing and item from their list for a quick, safe, and contactless experience.
Or, if you’d prefer, you can simply email, or call us to let us know you have a drop off, and you can leave it right at our doorstep for a contactless drop-off, OR, you can contact anyone of our agents to schedule a pick-up and you can leave the goods on your doorstep for a contactless pick-up!
Help us make a difference during these very important holidays!
Safe drop off on our Doorstep:
Mon- Fri 9AM- 5PM
305 S. Hudson Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101
Safe pick up from your Doorstep:
Contact any of our agents and they will gladly pick up your donation!